JL Reddy To Charm
2014 Gray Stallion
Born May 20
AQHA X9714746BI
1994 Chestnut $469,399 LTE. 107 TB starters, $1,897,656;
170 QH starters, $2,355,202
Barrel race earners $900K
BF Silver Charm
2001 Gray Mare
ROM Racing
Foals have earned $243,915+ in the barrel pen. Leading money earner JL Takin On Fame who is listed with $86,712 EquiStat earnings.
Siyah Kalem
1982 Chestnut Stallion
247 starters with winnings of $6,117,785
Satan's Pride
1976 Brown Mare, track record setting stakes winner of 15 races, $174,161
Takin On The Cash
1988 Sorrel Stallion
si 109,
$661,747 LTE
Get race earnings
$12 million; barrel race earners of $486,185
Missy Yupon
1992 Gray Mare
si 97,
Get race earnings of
Dam of BF Shenanigan, YTD earnings of $134,026.20
Mr. Prospector
1970 Chestnut Stallion
Won 7 of his 14 starts
Lady Graustark
1969 Chestnut Mare
Crimson Satan
1959 Chestnut Stallion
Autumn Pride
1970 Bay Mare
Dash For Cash
1973 Sorrel Stallion
si 114
Take You On
1980 Sorrel Mare
si 96
Behold A Beduino
1982 Gray Stallion
si 99, $107,312 LTE
Sweet Like Twayna
1986 Chestnut Mare
si 88,
$13,466 LTE

Reddy is the perfect outcross for Quarter Horse mares. His sire, Thoroughbred sprinter Red, earned $469,399 racing and has TB progeny earners of $1,897,656 and QH progeny earners of $2,355,202. Red’s top barrel racing money earner is Xtrared, a 3-time NFR qualifier and 4-time Dodge National Circuit Finalist earning $473,235 with Christina Richman. His dam, BF Silver Charm (ROM racing), was out of Missy Yupon—dam of BF Shenanigan, a top barrel futurity colt with EquiStat earnings of $134,026. Her sire, Takin On The Cash (SI 109) , has barrel progeny with $468,185 EquiStat earnings. BF Silver Charm’s 7 foals have barrel earnings of $243,915+.
JL Reddy To Charm earned over $38,040 his futurity year!
• Classic Equine Futurity Champ, 3rd 1st go, 1st 2nd go & avg
• MVP Futurity placed 8th in the 1st go and 6th in the average.
• Greg Olson 3rd in the 1st go running a 17.125 on a standard, placed 3rd in slot race and was 6th in the average.
• Bluebonnet Futurity won 2nd go and was 6th in average.
• Copper Spring Ranch Futurity placed in 1D 2nd go, average, Future Fortunes & Barrel Breeders Incentive
• Glacier Chaser Classic Open 1D Futurity Reserve Champion; 7th in 1D Open Saturday; 10th 1D Open Sunday; BBI Reserve Futurity Champion
TOP MONEY EARNERS $295,682 (2-18-2025):
JL I AM REDDY 88,026 2017G
JL TWIST OF RED 34,605 2018G
JL TWIST OF CHARM 17,756 2021G
Incentives: Breeders Challenge, Top Shelf, Ruby Buckle, Royal Crown, Tomorrow's Legends, Diamond Classic, Select Stallion Stakes, Future Fortunes, Triple Crown 100, 5-State Breeders, Southwest Desert Classic, Glacier Chaser Classic, Colorado Classic, Barrel Breeders Incentive,
GridIron Futurity, MN Futurity, and VGBRA.
Get REDDY, breed to a Futurity Champion & Sire
JL Reddy To Charm